Friday, July 31, 2009

Hawai'i : the photo assignment

Now been in Hawai'i longer than I can remember. Sunny warm days, blue sky, clear horizons, wonderful water and all of this is before 9am. Living in two time zones has me up before the locals...swimming and shooting for myself before the daily work begins. Now completed profile photos and candid documentary photos of the academic community interviews.

Big shout out to Dastardly Dave and his encouragement to have me attend the NH tattoo expo and to the amazing Bud 'light man' for the lighting class and tips. SOPHA RULES. Next step is figuring out how to post some of the images while I'm still down here on the islands.

Soon to begin the "tattoo on the beach candid interviews" and images. Early morning shoots work best as the locals make great sport of trying to splash water on the camera lens of tourists. Particularly when standing on a wharf or surfing area that gives them the opportunity. Sport hunting with water. We'll all tourists here and the more expensive the camera or lens - the greater the value for sport trophies.

Discovered Chinatown. Excellent food. Dim Sum daily. food budget extended. Loving the choices.